Tag Archives: grand central market


6 Dec

Hi all! I’m hoping you can all help me out..as you may or may not know I am in my final (woohoo!) year at USC in the Professional Writing program. Recently, thanks to this program, I was published on Grand Central Market’s (of downtown LA) website, promoting the reimagining of the market. As part of the competition, we are asking for people, LIKE YOU, to vote on our bylines. The winner receives dinner for 10 and some pretty badass bragging rights, so I’d be super grateful if you could go here:


And vote for yours truly (actually it’s under my pen name, Kelsey Farrell, but y’all get the drift). Voting starts TOMORROW and goes through DECEMBER 11. If you help a sista out you may even get to be one of my ten that I invite to Eggslut in Los Angeles for dinner. Eh, eh?

Spread the word (please share! Did I mention the badass bragging rights? C’mon yo.) and THANKS!
